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Word on the Street

You are an amazing young woman! Your words are so powerful! My prayers are with you and your message that it reaches kids that need to hear these words. God bless you!

Cathy Payne

My parents are not divorced but this blog definitely applies to me. My father passed away this year and this is our first thanksgiving without him and this blog showed so much insight. This was written for kids like me who love thanksgiving but now dread it because the one person who brought it all together is no longer with us. But I am going to follow the advice in this blog and make new memories and never forget the memories that were already made.

Brooke Williams

This article is incredible. Thank you for making yourself vulnerable and transparent about the reality of what so many young people are experiencing 24/4. I rarely share articles but this one deserves a 10 and yes, I am sharing it now. My prayer is that thousands will be delivered and blessed.

James Black, Sr. (Director)

Great piece to help young people deal with this subject during the holidays. Appreciate this very much.

Kris Eckenroth (Pastor)

Love this!! Though I can't relate personally, the part about not setting crazy expectations in order to not be disappointed when they aren't meant can be applied to all ascpects of life. Looking forward to reading more from this blogger!

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